The third annual VR Bash was another great hit! The IVRC changed the format this year and we think it made for a really awesome experience. This year's event was held at the Revolution Concert House and focused on a virtual reality dance club theme. The venue looked fantastic and it was easier for attendees to get into the fun and exciting VR applications.
This year, the VR Bash featured a possible first of it's kind metaverse style DJ event. Popular EDM VR platform TheWaveVR provided access to a few of it's resident DJ's and their home Caves. DJ's Grimecraft, Dett and G-Dub spun tracks in virtual reality and the audio and visual feeds were livestreamed to the main stage at the Revolution Concert House. Several stations on the event floor were set up with access to the DJ Caves and attendees could jump into virtual reality from the event to watch the music live in VR. We're not just moving to the Metaverse...we're partying there too!
The 2018 VR Bash featured a lot of great VR experiences for everyone to enjoy. Attendees were able to check out some of the newest VR tech using the HTC Vive Focus, a standalone HMD that doesn't require a computer and is also cordless. Idaho supercomputing company Silverdraft was showcasing their impressive hardware. Local start up Black Box VR set up one of its fitness systems and gave people a taste of what the coming vr fitness revolution looks like. Survios's new game Creed was a popular stop at the VR1 Arcade booth. VR Tech Lounge showcased the ever-popular Richie's Plank Experience and Blocksmith XR provided a custom escape experience built off their platform. Lastly, VR Fitness Insider set up a mixed reality booth and hosted a VR competition using Beat Saber, the popular beat matching game designed by Hyperbolic Magnetism.
The IVRC also announced the winners of this year's Immerse-a-thon. This AR/VR focused hackathon was held two weeks earlier and all the participants worked hard to win some great prizes. Boise Codeworks took home the Grand Prize this year and a $2,000 check. They, and the student division finalist Cuttlefish Entertainment, also took home an HTC Vive and a one year credit for a Unity Pro license. Stay tuned for a separate post about these two teams experience and how they approached their winning development projects.
The VR Bash wouldn't be such a hit without our great sponsors. We would like to thank them for their generosity and for their help in spreading the awareness of AR and VR technologies. The IVRC is excited about Idaho's future in these technologies and we are looking forward to another awesome VR Bash next year!

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