Checking in with Citizen Scientific Workshop

Dave Ultis, from Citizen Scientific Workshop stopped by last week to show his prototypes of smart vehicles and robots that are incorporating the latest augmented and mixed reality technologies to make new immersive games and educational experiences. He's looking to expand his team and fund development of some innovative products and platforms that he hopes to launch late 2017- spring 2018.

We love it when Dave visits the IVRC office because his energy and excitement is infectious. As you can see from his own words, the drive to develop new and unique products is a direct result of his passion to create.

" I am so completely excited to build this next generation of robots and augmented games. It takes weeks sometimes to prepare and research the next step, and when each set of components and code is in order I can't help but to spend all of my energies to apply and build it all. Sometimes I'm beside myself with impatience because I am working on novel aspects or specific limitations that might benefit from the help of others. Nevertheless all things take time and I can keep my excitement level up by sharing my progress with others and encouraging collaboration and partnerships."

Keep up the awesome work Dave! More information on Citizen Scientific Workshop can be found here. Check there often to stay updated on Dave and his products.

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