HTC Viveport
Calling all Virtual Reality developers! HTC has announced the Viveport Development Awards: a contest with $500,000 in cash and prizes designed to attract developers to HTC's global VR app store, Viveport. Check this out -- Viveport isn't just for gamers. It will focus on non-gaming content such as video, art, educational content, travel, shopping, and experimental projects. New developers can sign up here.

Rikard Steiber, SVP of HTC Virtual Reality
On a personal note, I have three favorite Swedes: Per Clingweld, Jonas Almeling and with this latest HTC announcement, Rikard Steiber, SVP at HTC VR, impresses me yet again! Steiber's focus has been to drive innovation by creating inspiring experiences in virtual reality and empowering developers to define the future of VR.
We have been hard at work over here at the Idaho VR Council building great relationships for you. We had a great meeting with Samsung's VR content programming team this week and learned a few great tips for you. Feel free to connect with us to learn more, but if you want to go it alone, you can submit your VR content on Samsung's portal. (Create an account by clicking "Creator Portal" in the upper right corner). You can also check out their production guidelines and content specifications.
Be sure to upload a logo per spec, too. New features recently launched on the platform allow for user auto-publish, sharing, deep-linking and toggling visibility settings, and so forth.
MIT Hackathon
First, save the date for the first of its kind hackathon coming to Boise this Oct 14th, 2016 (more details being released next week). If you want to check out another hackathon, the MIT Media Lab is backing a hackathon on the MIT campus to promote new applications in augmented reality and virtual reality. Students from MIT and other universities, developers, designers, and video and audio engineers are invited to apply to participate. The event will be held Oct 7-10, 2016.
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